For Advertisement

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  • For Advertisement

Online Advertisement also called as web advertising is a form of promotion and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver marketing messages to end users. Consumers view website advertising as an unwanted distraction with few benefits and have increasingly turned to ad blocking for a variety of reasons. Its includes display adds & email marketing and others. Display advertising further divides into few types say: web banner advertising, pop ups & frame ads.


The best major advantage of having online advertising is the quick marketing of the product information in form of displays adds, pop ups, or by email the information directly to the customers.


Online advertisements are purchased through one of the following common vehicles:

  • Cost per thousand (CPM): Client pays the amount when the message delivers to specific number of audience

  • Cost per Click (CPC): Advertisers pays every time when end user clicks on to ads displayed.

  • Cost per Action (CPA): Advertisers only pays when a particular action is being performed


For advertising on our website, please write to us:  or call us on mobile number: +91 9953256325 or (+1) – (214)272-0254