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Course Price

$ 349.00

4.5 (23)


Course Content

  • Introduction to MuleSoft
  • Introduction on Anypoint platform
  • Introduction on SOA
  • Introduction about Webservices, API
  • Building Integration Applications with Anypoint Studio
  • Integrate with mysql server and fetch and create data from the database using GET,POST
  • Integrate with salesforce external source
  • Integration with aws RDS and AWS s3
  • Mule Message structure
  • Mule Project folder structure
  • Create applications composed of multiple flows and subflows
  • SEDA Concepts
  • Variables
  • Connectors -http,https,webservice consumer,database,apikit router,apikit console,file,ftp,sftp,sfdc,sap(basics),MQ,Object Store
  • Soap services consuming
  • Components
  • Routers
  • Filters
  • Validators
  • Scopes
  • Global Configuration
  • Property file .properties,.yaml (environment specific)
  • Logging & Debugging
  • Pass events between flows using asynchronous queues
  • DataWeave 2.0
  • Define and manage application metadata
  • Error Handling
  • Scheduler- Triggering flows
  • Batch Processing
  • Munit
  • Design Centre-RAML
  • Deploying the Applications to CloudHub - Runtime Manager
  • Creating Proxy
  • Configuting policies, Autodiscovery - API Manager
  • Anypoint Exchange
  • CICD pipeline Setup(Git-Jenkins-CloudHub)


Trainer Profile

Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is Mule ESB?
Mule ESB is a lightweight Java-based enterprise service bus (ESB) and integration platform. it allows developers to connect applications together quickly and easily, enabling them to exchange data. Mule ESB enables easy integration of existing systems, regardless of the different technologies that the applications use, including JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, and more. Mule use service-oriented architecture. Mule ESB Development provides a messaging framework that enables the exchange of data among application.


2) What is Mulesoft? For what Mulesoft is used for?

MuleSoft is the most widely used integration platform. Here we will find 2 types Mule ESB and Cloud Hub for connecting enterprise and SAAS applications in the on-premises and cloud. Mulesoft allows developers to connect applications together quickly and easily and it helps in exchanging the data.


3) What are Batch Jobs in Mule ESB?

A batch job is a top-level element in Mule and it exists outside all Mule flows. Batch jobs split large messages into records which Mule processes asynchronously in a batch job; just as flows process messages, batch jobs process records.
A batch job contains one or more batch steps which, in turn, contain any number of message processors that act upon records as they move through the batch job. During batch processing, one can use record-level variables (recordVars) and MEL expressions to enrich, route or otherwise act upon records.


4) What are the different endpoints available in Mule ESB?
Different types of Endpoints which are available in Mule are HTTP, JMS, IMAP, SMTP, and AJAX.


5) How to check if file exists in Mule ESB?

This can be done using Mule Expression Language (MEL) as follows-











6) What are Inbound endpoints and Outbound endpoints in Mule ESB?

Inbound endpoints are message sources (, which the name suggests is where messages are created. They can be created based on external events (like an incoming HTTP request or JMS message) or by polling (like files in a directory).
Outbound endpoints and anything else you see in a flow (except exception strategies) are message processors (, which means they do something with the message in-flight the flow.


7) What Is Service Layer in Mule?

 A Mule service is composed of all the Mule entities involved in processing particular requests in predefined manners. A service is defined by a specific configuration. This configuration determines the different elements, from the different layers of responsibility, that will be mobilized to process the requests that it will be open to receive. Depending on the type of input channel it uses, a service may or may not be publicly accessible outside of the ESB.


8) What is the difference between Mule Connectors and Transports Mule ESB?

 Transports are targeted towards a way of transporting data, i.e. a protocol like HTTP or reading/writing files. These are general concepts and the other party behind such a data channel can be anything, a pure data sink or a party with whom data can be exchanged, own company or other. Connectors are made for using specific APIs, e.g. those from or facebook. Usually, choosing a connector also determines how the data will be transferred in the end, e.g. HTTP.


9) What is Shared Resource in Mule and how they have been used?

We can make connectors as a reusable component by defining them as common resources and expose them to all applications deployed under the same domain, these resources are known as shared resources. These shared resource needs to be defined inside Mule Domain Project and then referred to each of the projects that are meant to use the elements in it.

10) What Is Model Layer in Mule?

The first logical layer is the model layer. A Mule model represents the runtime environment that hosts services. It defines the behavior of Mule when processing requests handled by services. The model provides services with supporting features, such as exception strategies. It also provides services with default values that simplify their configuration.


11) What Is Multicasting Router in Mule?

 The multicasting router can send messages to multiple endpoints over different transports. The multicasting router allows you to easily move the same messages across these different endpoints.




The Ways MuleSoft's API Ecosystem Accelerates Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the only way to succeed among your competition. Whatever business is the most automated, organised, streamlined and efficient in this day and age will lead their industry. To make the digital transformation journey successful, MuleSoft's API ecosystem updates legacy systems, supports microservices and improves process automation.

Digital Transformation Solutions by MuleSoft

·Revolutionize Legacy Systems and Offer Improved Connectivity

Business environments are deploying varied innovative applications and technologies to drive business capabilities and value. Integrating these applications with legacy systems is one of the biggest challenges an IT teams face. In fact, most integrations fail. This is where Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) come in.

MuleSoft’s API ecosystem enables businesses to seamlessly integrate with any application, device or system. APIs bind data, procedures, and business systems together and permits external and internal applications to connect securely and seamlessly. This way, Mulesoft simplifies the digital transformation jouney without replacing the legacy systems.

·Supports Microservice Strategy

Agile development is much important for successful digital transformation. Microservices is a great tool for agile development. Microservices has changed the way one develops applications and how we deploy those applications by empowering business agility. 

Microservice architectures follow a modular approach, requiring a reusable code base by various teams and developers. Without an automated process, managing and running integration builds is just not possible. This is when continuous integration is needed to scale up microservices efforts. Anypoint Studio in MuleSoft is a unified platform providing an end-to-end microservice lifecycle with complete operational visibility. Anypoint allows users to perform operational management using Runtime Manager and conduct analysis with Anypoint Analytics.

·Accelerate Business Process Automation Efforts

Gartner describes Business Process Automation (BPA) as the automation of complex business processes and functions beyond conventional data manipulation usually through advanced technologies.

MuleSoft’s API approach to conduct business workflows doesn't require the connected applications to have similar technology or functional use case requirements. Businesses can automate legacy processes without having to migrate from their legacy systems. API-led connectivity approach promotes reusability, as they are "built once and used endlessly" which is the core to realizing Business Process Automation. This is fundamental to developer productivity, as the ability to reuse APIs removes the need to repeatedly develop new code to automate business processes.


Benefits of MuleSoft for business:

  • It Reduces maintenance costs and efforts

  • Provides transparency in the system’s processes and code

  • Facilitates agile updates to current system and applications 

  • No need of additional costs to alter workflows

  • Accelerates time to market 

  • Provides data consistency and security

The Ways MuleSoft's API Ecosystem Accelerates Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the only way to succeed among your competition. Whatever business is the most automated, organised, streamlined and efficient in this day and age will lead their industry. To make the digital transformation journey successful, MuleSoft's API ecosystem updates legacy systems, supports microservices and improves process automation.


Digital Transformation Solutions by MuleSoft

·Revolutionize Legacy Systems and Offer Improved Connectivity

Business environments are deploying varied innovative applications and technologies to drive business capabilities and value. Integrating these applications with legacy systems is one of the biggest challenges an IT teams face. In fact, most integrations fail. This is where Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) come in.

MuleSoft’s API ecosystem enables businesses to seamlessly integrate with any application, device or system. APIs bind data, procedures, and business systems together and permits external and internal applications to connect securely and seamlessly. This way, Mulesoft simplifies the digital transformation jouney without replacing the legacy systems.

·Supports Microservice Strategy

Agile development is much important for successful digital transformation. Microservices is a great tool for agile development. Microservices has changed the way one develops applications and how we deploy those applications by empowering business agility. 

Microservice architectures follow a modular approach, requiring a reusable code base by various teams and developers. Without an automated process, managing and running integration builds is just not possible. This is when continuous integration is needed to scale up microservices efforts. Anypoint Studio in MuleSoft is a unified platform providing an end-to-end microservice lifecycle with complete operational visibility. Anypoint allows users to perform operational management using Runtime Manager and conduct analysis with Anypoint Analytics.

·Accelerate Business Process Automation Efforts

Gartner describes Business Process Automation (BPA) as the automation of complex business processes and functions beyond conventional data manipulation usually through advanced technologies.

MuleSoft’s API approach to conduct business workflows doesn't require the connected applications to have similar technology or functional use case requirements. Businesses can automate legacy processes without having to migrate from their legacy systems. API-led connectivity approach promotes reusability, as they are "built once and used endlessly" which is the core to realizing Business Process Automation. This is fundamental to developer productivity, as the ability to reuse APIs removes the need to repeatedly develop new code to automate business processes.


Benefits of MuleSoft for business:

  • It Reduces maintenance costs and efforts

  • Provides transparency in the system’s processes and code

  • Facilitates agile updates to current system and applications 

  • No need of additional costs to alter workflows

  • Accelerates time to market 

  • Provides data consistency and security


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